Andreas Pickart schrieb:
VDR (1.6.0-2) crashed after stuffing the syslog with: vdr: [24126] ERROR: possible result buffer overflow, dropped 13 out of 13 byte vdr: [24126] ERROR: possible result buffer overflow, dropped 2048 out of 2048 byte
A backtrace shows that the function cTS2PES::write_ipack (initially called from cTS2PES::instant_repack with Count=184) kept calling itself (from then on with Count=180 and the same "Data" pointer all the time). The variable "bite" was 4 on the first call and then 0 on all succeeding ones. It was a video pid being extracted, so the cVideoRepacker got called, and I suspect its "breakAt" return value lead to the "// should never happen" code that set "bite" to 0.
Some state information from the cTS2PES instance: pid=1023 size=2052 found=2200 count=2052 cid=224 rewriteCid=224 subStreamId=0 plength=4194234 plen[0]=98 plen[1]=124 flag1=flag2=0 hlength=0 mpeg=0 check=0 mpeg1_required=mpeg1_stuffing=0 done=true tsErrors=2020124 ccErrors=697951 ccCounter=8
The high error counts obviously show that the received data (from DVB-S) was somehow defective (There were many "PES packet shortened" errors earlier), but ideally VDR shouldn't crash even when the data is broken...
Can anyone please fix this issue?
Is there a regular chance for you to reproduce this issue?
I could send you a code fragment then which would store a reasonably sized fragment of the TS stream which would help me very much in solving this issue.