So far I only pick something up on 586MHz and 706MHz
w_scan produces this:
tune to: :586000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500: ----------no signal---------- tune to: :586000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500: (no signal) INT(Provider) SS1(Provider) SS2(Provider) SS3(Provider) CNN(Provider) eNews(Provider) E! Entertainment(Provider) SABC(Provider) Cartoon Network(Provider) ESG CBMS(Provider) Bootstrap-Nokia(Provider) Nokia-ESG(Provider) Network Name 'Thomson' tune to: :706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500: Network Name 'DTT Network' M-Net(MCA) CSN(MCA) MStar(MCA) Actio(MCA) ChO(MCA) Blitz(MCA) NaGeo(MCA) AJE(MCA) dumping lists (21 services) M-Net:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:273:34:0:608:1010:0:0:0 CSN:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:289:290:0:608:1020:0:0:0 MStar:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:305:306:0:608:1030:0:0:0 Actio:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:321:322:0:608:1040:0:0:0 ChO:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:337:0:0:608:1050:0:0:0 Blitz:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:353:0:0:608:1060:0:0:0 NaGeo:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:369:0:0:608:1070:0:0:0 AJE:706000:I999B8C999D999M999T999G999Y0:T:27500:385:32:0:608:1080:0:0:0
Are those VDR generated channels.conf lines correct? When I try to tune to them VDR says channel unavailable. I'm using vdr-1.6.0p2
On 13/05/2009, Patrick Boettcher wrote:
Hi Theunis,
On Wed, 13 May 2009, Theunis Potgieter wrote:
Hi, is dvb-h a subset of dvb-t? our country decided to switch on dvb-t, we receive dvb-t and dvb-h with h.264.
DVB-H is more than just DVB-T plus H264 services. I strongly think that what you're having in your country is standard DVB-T with normal H264 services how they are supported with VDR 1.7.
DVB-H is using also H264 to encode video streams, but is encapsulating it in RTP over DVB-MPE. Up to now I don't know any complete DVB-H reception chain, though there are some starting points which can be found in the dvb-apps repository at and at other places. But before you're diving in to that, I recommend that you're first trying to find out whether it is really DVB-H you're looking for or DVB-T with H264. DVB-H service however are designs for handheld devices with small screens, most likely the video quality will not be very nice when watching it on a full-screen desktop/TV replacement.
HTH, Patrick.
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