On 30.1.2007 23:02, "Martin Wache" M.Wache@gmx.net wrote:
Tero Siironen schrieb:
On 30.1.2007 21:39, "Martin Wache" M.Wache@gmx.net wrote:
Did you start the client like it is described in the ReadMe? From inside of the McVdrClient.app folder? For some reason Quartz application needs the context of this folder to run correctly. I don't know if there is a workaround...
Argh, my mistake. It is working now. But the problem now lies on remote setup. Every keypress is detected as same key and therefore remote cannot be setup. The window with McVdrClient shows different keycodes, but vdr doesn't detect it. Same thing if keyboard is tried, so something is wrong, but I cannot find out what it is.
This somehow sounds familiar... but I can't remember the circumstances. But it should be simple to add a few printfs to narrow the problem down. The key events are recieved by KeyEventHandler() in video-quartz.c (and there the printouts are written, note that only the first value is actually used). quartzRemote->PutKey() is the one in McVdrClient.c, it should write the keycode into the shared memory control block and signal the softdevice.
Forget it - I think I know now whats wrong, there is a patch missing in your vdr. See remote.c, if I remember correctly the format string is not correctly interpreted by the printf. Here is my cRemote::Put() method:
bool cRemote::Put(uint64 Code, bool Repeat, bool Release) { char buffer[32]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%0llX", Code); //snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%016LX", Code); return Put(buffer, Repeat, Release); }
Thank you, that was it. Next thing I'll try to do is get it to run on MacBook Pro also.