C.Y.M wrote:
C.Y.M wrote:
After just testing vdr-1.3.29-LiveBuffer-0.0.8.diff, I
started to notice that if
I rewind the live buffer, then change channels, I get this error:
ERROR: attempt to use cPlayer::PlayPes() without attaching
to a cDevice!
My system has only a single FF card. Perhaps this would
not be noticable if
there is more than one tuner.
Actually, I don't think rewinding the buffer and switching channels is what is triggering this. Now I'm not quite sure what is causing it. Does anyone else see this?
Yes, I also get this error sometimes. But it's nothing to worry about. It could happen when the dvbplayer is deleted. When you add Cancel(3); in cDvbPlayer::~cDvbPlayer() before Detach(); this error should no longer occur.