On Sunday 09 September 2012 - 14:53:42, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
I'm not sure whether you understood what I meant.
Never mind ;)
Of course "red" will remain "red" etc. But a red button that has, say, "Open" as its function will still have that function, even if it is no longer the leftmost button.
You know, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
I sugested to leave the buttons and change their positions only, where as your patch changes all but the positions. I think, your way is the hard one, but the result for the user would be the same.
Additionally I don't think, the button order is prominent enuf to rise them to osd setup menu. Edit /etc/defaults (or similar files) would be fine for that (like remote.conf)
Just my 2c
cheers Gero