I want to replace my UK Sky digital box with VDR (I only want the free to air channels) for watching/recording TV over HDMI on my plasma. So far everything is working OK, I have vdr 1.7.3 and xine running on an ASUS M2N VM-HDMI (nvidia) mobo with the s2-liplianin drivers for my Nova SD2 card. My problem is interlacing. I've googled back through the archives and got a lot of info from there, however I still have one question and one request.
If X is put into an interlaced mode (1920x1080i @ 50Hz), and I do not do any de interlacing in xine, why is this not the same as what my digibox does? I'm guessing it has something to do with xine outputting a complete frame when the broadcast sends each field? What I'd hope happen (for interlaced material) is that xine receives a field from VDR, scales it to the X resolution (halfed vertically of course) and sends it to the the graphics card which just passes it on to the TV which draws that field. That doesn't seem to happen so where have I gone wrong?
There's a lot of options for tvtime in xine, TomsMoComp and full framerate seem popular. What settings are others using?
-- Scott