The xxv project team announce this stable release. xxv-1.4 is now our major stable release of XXV the "Xtreme eXtension for VDR", it's containing a large number of bug fixes and enhancements and more.
XXV means "Xtreme eXtension for VDR" and is a central service for the administration of the VDR and his environment.
Here a small overview of present functions:
* Full remote access to VDR-1.6.x environment. * EPG data are regularly parsed and registered * Create Timer from EPG data * Full automated timer creation from EPG data by wished topics * Recording control and manage * ...
Core feature since xxv-1.2:
* Redesign SVDRP communication to support multiple video disk recorder * New module to manage keywords within recordings * ...
Read the full announcement (1.4): http://xxv.berlios.de/content/view/44/1/ (1.3.1): http://xxv.berlios.de/content/view/43/1/
Enjoy, Andreas