Marek Hajduk wrote:
I appreciate your effort. I have imon with tft display. My device ID is 15c2:0036. I use now lcdproc plugin. Is possible to include device 15c2:0036 to your plugin?
Sorry, i don't known other devices than my own LCD 15c2:0038.
I found only follow statement about this device: ---------- The 0036 device is a VFD, which means it only takes straight text to display on the panel. The 0038 device is an LCD display, which supports bitmap drawing (custom fonts / graphics) and various icons around the display. ----------
This plugin has the intention for graphic text drawing and ( for me importantly ) control icons and progressbars around text area.
Any pure text (like yours VFD? ) should work with lcdproc-Plugin and any pure graphic-LCD should implement by graphlcd-plugin.