I demand that Thomas Günther may or may not have written...
Darren Salt schrieb:
It should be enough to lightly tweak my vdr-plugin-subtitles package and to apply its patch or the combined subtitles patch (which is what I use in case some who use my packages want/need ttxtsubs, which I can't test) to vdr.
Thank you! I adapted your source package to vdrdevel. The combined subtitles-ttxtsubs patch is already active in multipatch. So it should work.
This is good :-)
Why do you set CXXFLAGS in debian/rules? Is there a problem with optimization -O2?
I've noticed problems with that and gdb: variables' contents have been misreported. (Whether this is still the case, I've not checked.)
This kind of thing should be more fine-grained in $PLUGIN/Makefile, IMO.