En/na Bernd Juraschek ha escrit:
www.etherboot.org, this web site will make you the rom image, then you need the chip, mine was a 27c16 I think, then a programmer to burn the prom chip. The web site supports most any network card that has a spot for a 28 pin chip, etc.
Using this saite I've created a boot ROM image for CD boot. This way I need no hard disk and it's possible to use many cheapest network cards without boot PROM support. If you can't boot from CD-ROM you can try a floppy boot image ...
If the ethernet card has pxe (most integrated ethernet adapter made in the last 3-4 years, maybe more, do) you don't need to burn a rom or a cd or a floppy, you can piggy back etherboot to pxe or boot directly with pxelinux (this way you can use a normal image, no need to make an nbi image. You still have to prepare a suitable initrd though. Under mandriva there's -or there was- a package called mkinitrd-net to aid in this task).