Igor schrieb:
would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
http://www.reel-multimedia.de/shop/produ...223&language=en http://www.reel-multimedia.com/rmm-engli...xtension_hd.pdf http://www.directupload.net/images/070503/CjsyApL2.jpg
There are some cards out there, and one of them is mine :) Do not believe the "deliverable in 2-3 days" in the shop. Ask the reel people about the card.
There are patches to use the card with the vdr. I only know german speaking resources:
http://www.vdr-developer.org/wiki/index.php/HDTV_eHD This is a little bit outdated but gives an idea how it works.
http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=71872 here you find some newer patches by that obscure guy called baltasar :)
happy x-mas baltasar