Am 29.10.2012 20:17, schrieb cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl:
Hi Gerald,
I can't see that plugin for vdr 1.7-31: $ find -iname *dyn* ./vdr-1.7.23/patches/opt-64_dynamite+unicable+lnbsharing.dpatch ./vdr-1.7.27/patches/opt-61_dynamite.patch
I have obtained the MPKGBUILD's for arch linux via this command: svn co https://archvdr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/archvdr archvdr
How can I install this plugin?
You find an updated patch for vdr 1.7.31 at Github: https://github.com/flensrocker/vdr-plugin-dynamite
For vdr 1.7.31 I removed some backport compatibilities for older 1.7.x, so make sure you use a recent version of the plugin. You'll find the vdr-patch at the patches-subdirectory.
Regards, Lars.
Best regards, Cedric
-- Oorspronkelijk bericht -- Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 21:54:54 +0100 From: Gerald Dachs vdr@dachsweb.de To: VDR Mailing List vdr@linuxtv.org Subject: Re: [vdr] emergency restart is too fast for my USB DVB-T receiver Reply-To: VDR Mailing List vdr@linuxtv.org
Am 28.10.2012 20:50, schrieb cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl:
Hi All, The problem is that the kernel does not reinitialize the receiver until
is using the device. reinitialize takes a few seconds, but vdr does not
the device long enough for that to happen. The result is that vdr restarts many times.
The dynamite plugin should handle this for you.
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