Hi Dominique,
You have an intestering setup. My concern is that my home PC is my only machine at home. It's used for a lot of other applications besides vdr. So I'll first try streamdev plugin.
I see. Generally, I think usability can be improved by reducing the set of features. It's easy to use a dedicated VDR box with a small remote control unit. If you want to have a general-purpose PC in your living room, you will need a clumsy keyboard and mouse too, and you can't expect a random visitor to be able to use the system. For instance, if you control vdr with a wireless keyboard+mouse unit, you will have to map some keys to unintuitive places, such as using the function keys as the color keys.
Good luck with your project, and please keep us updated.
I'll keep that in mind, but for now, I'd rather run plain vanilla xorg so my son will still be able to play tuxracer.
The MythTV box of a friend of mine has a games menu. :-) However, I got the impression that MythTV has much more dependencies than VDR and it has been written with analog TV in mind, not DVB.