Pasi Juppo kirjoitti:
Peer Oliver Schmidt wrote:
I am using Hauppauge MediaMVPs to connect to a central VDR system containing 3 DVB-S cards. VOMP is running on the MediaMVPs ( and apart from missing
- DVD support
- Cutting
this system contains everything I want. And it has a great WAF factor :-)
Now this looked very good! Almost exactly what I was after. Few things missing still but seems that there is active development thus will be implemented later on.
I took a look at this also. It seems good as long as you do not watch channels with subtitles. And we do have those in finland (YLE).
Few things missing: -HDTV due to HW. Any idea if there is going to be HDTV version of the HW later on? Most likely HTPC is much better solution for HDTV anyway due to deinterlace and scaling which requires quite much CPU power (see next Q about PC version of VOMP).
Subtitle support should be added to missing things.
-similar (or same) system running on PC. The idea for kitchen (yes, I'd like to have TV on kitchen for the morning news) TV would be to use "All in one LCD" -type of PC such as this:
Does VOMP work on normal PC as well (I missed this info)?
There is also a windows client if this is what you meant. Can be found on the same site.
-the graphics on VOMP I assume is not changeable (no skin or theme support -> would require recompiling I assume but still)?
What about the picture quality of the MediaMVP: is it good, average, poor?
Anyway, this is very good news!
Br, Pasi
Even though missing subtitles I decided to get a MediaMVP for my self as a bedroom box.