Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
I assume this is a compiler bug, since the error should be caught at compile-time (I can't see any error though, since the called object is a derivation and the method is derived, too). Anyway, if I "shift around" those methods a bit, it throws a "pure virtual method" error with gcc 2.95, but not with gcc 3.x.
I've seen pure virtual method errors before with cThread's. There is a way how these pure virtuals can get active: At destructor time, as soon as the derived class is destructed, the virtuals get reverted to the pure virtuals of the base class, before the base class destructor takes over. Reason is that the derived object is gone as soon as the derived destructor ends, and only the base object needs to destruct.
In this case (just a guess by a quick look at source code): ~cStreamdevStreamer() calls Stop(), and Stop() calls Detach(). Since the derived cStreamdevLiveStreamer is already destructed, its virtual Detach() is gone too, and the pure virtual cStreamdevStreamer::Detach() gets called.
Virtuals in destructors are dangerous. Better make sure the thread is stopped before the object destructs...