hello vdr-ng and -ml,
the short description i've done: i've installed first xine-lib via a gentoo ebuild, than xine-ui via a ebuild, too and last vdr with some plugins, also the xine-plugin, by hand.
compiling and installing xine-lib and xine-ui: the ebuilds used the xine-patches v0.7.6 and uses the path /var/vdr/xine for the sockets. here the ebuilds, if you want to see: http://www.deac.mynetcologne.de/xine-ui-0.99.4-r2.ebuild http://www.deac.mynetcologne.de/xine-lib-1.1.0-r4.ebuild this are merges from the original ebuilds an the older newest from gentoo.de.
compiling vdr: i don't used the original vdr-1.3.32-tarball. instead a patched-version: http://www.hoochvdr.info/files/vdr-1.3.32-patched-plugins.091105.1.tar.bz2 a link xine to xine-0.7.6 exists. the Make.conf i created with some changes. the xine-Makefile a changed, too, because the path /var/vdr/xine. it compiled fine, without errors.
installing vdr: with "make install" i installed everything. it copys the plugins to /usr/lib/vdr, the configs to /etc/vdr and vdr to /usr/bin. sure!
starting vdr: ,----[ vdr started ] | % LANG=C vdr --config=/etc/vdr --lib=/usr/lib/vdr \ | --plugin="xine -r" --plugin=yaepg | SetVideoFormat: 0 | SetAudioChannelDevice: 0 | SetVolumeDevice: 255 | SetPlayMode: 1 | [vVMSetDigitalAudioDevice: 0 | SetAudioChannelDevice: 0 | aA+14+17+50+50+50+50] `---- everything ok. channels ready. plugins loaded, xine, too, with following error: "ERROR: remote control XineRemote not ready!" i read, that this is normal and no problem. and "ERROR: 9736 ring buffer overflows (1830368 bytes dropped)", which i think isn't important, because it's only a ringbuffer in vdr. the streams in /var/vdr/xine exists.
starting xine: % xine -V xv -A alsa vdr:/var/vdr/xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes xine starts and than i get an error: ,----[ xine engine error ] | There is no input plugin avaible to handle | 'vdr:/var/vdr/xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes'. | Maybe MRL syntax is wrong or file/stream source doesn't exist. `---- if i press on "More" i get some messages, one is the following: ,----[ messages ] | xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin | xine: found input plugin: file input plugin | xine: found demuxer plugin: mpeg pes demux plugin | xine: found input plugin: VDR display device plugin | video_out: throwing away image with pts 63477 because it's too old (diff: | 20022) | [ ... last lines more than one ... ] `---- are the last lines with video_out the problem? i think not, it's video_out, not video_in. ,----[ vdr-output ] | [...] | vdr-xine: Client connecting ... | ::write(8) returned -1, error 32: Broken pipe | vdr-xine: Client disconnected! | vdr-xine: Client connect failed! `----
last words: i don't know, what can i do. this is the twice, that i try to install vdr and xine. the last time, i get to run it. now not. the problem, that portage overwrite my xine-packages, i tried to resolve, that i use (own) ebuilds. on gmane.org i searched for the same errors, but i found nothing. google knows this errors, but the most have the problem, that they forgotten --enable-vdr-keys, but i haven't forgotten it.
i hope somebody can help me, thanks. denis