The question is about which hardware is recommended to run with VDR, that
can decode encrypted traffic
My recommendation hardware-wise would be Vuplus Duo2 or similar Linux/'Enigma' set-top box (STB). I think VDR is ported to Vuplus (and similar STBs platforms) if you want to run VDR. But the information of this seems to be in German.
I abandoned VDR after 11 years of running it for Duo2+OpenVix. VDR UI was/is still nice to use but it had too much hassle to setup and when my DVB-PCI cards started decaying (giving stream errors) and I wanted high quality 1080p HD the choice was obvious.
If VDR wants to florish, I think that is the direction VDR should go so it should be easy install packets to Linux STBs with good documentation and support by VDR developer :). But <= is just an opinion, competition is hard on that side..