On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 04:45:16PM +0100, tarass@club-internet.fr wrote:
Has anybody here a nexus-s with red-viaccess ci working ?
Don't know about the -S version but I have a Technotrend DVB-C 2.1 FF card that works just fine with Viaccess Red. A friend of mine has a Technotrend C2300 (reportedly identical to the Nexus-CA) running under Windows with a Viaccess Red. I don't think he has tried it with Linux, though.
All in all: it is incorrect to say that Viaccess Red doesn't work with Hauppauge/Technotrend cards. I don't know if it applies to all types of cards but at least it works with the cable versions...
/Klaus (using VDR 1.3.21)