On Fri, 2005-14-10 at 20:19 -0400, Stile wrote:
I'm using VDR 1.3.34 with a VP1020 budget card on a machine with and Nvidia GF 5500 video card. I am using softdevice for a decoder. I currently have X configured for dual display with the VGA being screen 1 and the TV out being screen 2 using Nvidia's twinview. VDR and Softdevice are working well.
My problem is in trying to view the display full screen on the TV-out. If I full screen the display it always goes to screen 1 which is VGA. The only way to view it on the TV-out is in a maximized window. I can't start it that way and I have to drag the window and maximize every time I start VDR. Does anyone know of a way around this?
My config is very similar. Is your setup twinview or is it set as two separate displays (0.0 and 0.1?).
It should be set as two separate displays -- then start VDR like this:
DISPLAY=:0.1;xset s off;/data/src/vdr/vdr -P"softdevice -ao alsa:plughw:1,0 -vo xv:full" -Pfemon -Pyaepg
I have two audio cards as well, thats why I specify the audio device here too.
Hope it helps.