Al 04/09/11 23:53, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/09/11 23:05, En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
Ok, I couldn't resist and I tried. I don't know if it solves the issue because now the subtitles are "whacky": they only appear from time to time and they're in the middle of the screen, both with my trusty dxr3 and with the xine plugin (in the latter case it happens both with sd and hd channels). Oh well, back to vdr-1.7.16 until I can investigate what's wrong :-(
I tested this with several old recordings and also live (in HD) and the subtitles always worked just fine. I'm using a TT-S2 6400 as output device, if that matters.
Well, I disabled the scaling/offset (in cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetOsdData)
It still works better with the above "fix", but maybe there's a typo in there:
osdFactorX = VideoAspect * OsdHeight / displayWidth;
be instead
osdFactorX = VideoAspect * OsdHeight / displayHeight;