projects.vdr-developer.org is a place for community maintained VDR projects. The idea for this was born out of a survey conducted among VDR users, where it turned out, that even some VDR plug-ins that haven't been updated for years are still very popular.
The main goal for this is, to be a community effort to continue the development of such orphaned VDR plug-ins and give them a new home.
I started with releasing a the new version 0.6.0 of the OSDTeletext plug-in, which now supports the recent VDR version.
But projects.vdr-developer.org is open to EVERYONE. It offers a Wiki, file downloads, a documents section, an issue tracker, a news tracker and a GIT repository for each project (via Redmine).
Read more about this here:
http://projects.vdr-developer.org http://projects.vdr-developer.org/wiki/project-management/Start