On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 08:36:56PM +0100, Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
Am Sonntag, 20. März 2005 19:40 schrieb Roberto Sebastiano:
Bloomberg French TV;DEFAULT PROVIDER:11642:h:S13.0E:27500:1160:1120,1122:0:1:1:318:0:0 MTV Portugal;MTV Networks:11241:v:S13.0E:27500:160:80:32:1:1:318:0:0
The odd is that if you delete ONE of the two lines above (doesn't matter which), vdr starts.
I guess the problem is that both channels have the same channel ID since Source, SID, NID and TID are identical. Once again the solution would be to complain to the broadcaster...
Might it be that the scan utility fails to parse/generate this information properly?