On 11/14/07 17:24, Lauri Tischler wrote:
syrius.ml@no-log.org wrote:
"Graziano Pavone" graziano.pavone@gmail.com writes:
And you wouldn't mind applying a huge patch on VDR to achieve this goal?
This feature is so interesting that I certainly wouldn't mind, even if it would a very good feature to be included in the 1.5 vdr release... :)
imho that's a feature that must be in 1.5 ! as with the smart channel management.
utf8 and subtitles are great achievements, what's next ? :-)
You have to ask Santa-Klaus ;)
H.264 will only become interesting (to me) once there are hardware devices that can replay it (aka "Full Featured DVB cards"). I am not interested in software players that might not even run on my 450 MHz VDR.
Until then, normal MPEG2/DVB-S does just fine for me.