I demand that 林海 may or may not have written...
hi, I am from china. I have finished compiling VDR-1.47 and vdr-xineliboutput-1.0.0rc2. I want to use xineliboutput with framebuffer in textmode. Before I compiled VDR-1.47 and vdr-xineliboutput-1.0.0rc2, I have set xineliboutput with XINELIBOUTPUT_X11 = 0 XINELIBOUTPUT_FB = 1
[snip; rewrapped to <80 columns]
No, I'm not sorting through that mess of unwrapped text, and I doubt that anybody else will either. I suggest that if you must use webmail, you find some other provider. The one which you're using now is just... seriously BROKEN.
(I've not looked at the HTML duplicate. Why should I? Mail is supposed to be plain text...)