Here are the commands I'm using for xine start. Nether xine or vdpau are all that stable for me though:
xine -A alsa -V vdpau --post vdr_video --post vdr_audio vdr://tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes --fullscreen --no-gui --no-mouse --deinterlace --no-logo --no-splash
And xine config:
# # xine config file # .version:2
# Entries which are still set to their default values are commented out. # Remove the '#' at the beginning of the line, if you want to change them.
# Enable deinterlacing by default # bool, default: 0 #gui.deinterlace_by_default:0
# Configuration experience level # { Beginner Advanced Expert Master of the known universe Debugger }, default: 0 #gui.experience_level:Beginner
# Enable OSD support # bool, default: 1 #gui.osd_enabled:1
# Dismiss OSD time (s) # numeric, default: 3 #gui.osd_timeout:3
# Ask user for playback with unsupported codec # bool, default: 0 #gui.play_anyway:0
# Automatically reload old playlist # bool, default: 0 #gui.playlist_auto_reload:0
# Audio visualization plugin # { fftgraph goom fftscope oscope }, default: 0 #gui.post_audio_plugin:fftgraph
# gui skin theme # { xinetic }, default: 0
# Change xine's behavior for unexperienced user # bool, default: 1 #gui.smart_mode:1
# Snapshot location # string, default: /root gui.snapshotdir:/mnt/md2/vdr/grab
# Subtitle autoloading # bool, default: 1 #gui.subtitle_autoload:1
# Visual animation style # { None Post Plugin Stream Animation }, default: 1 #gui.visual_anim:Post Plugin
# Windows stacking (more) # bool, default: 0 #gui.always_layer_above:0
# Audio mixer control method # { Sound card Software }, default: 0 #gui.audio_mixer_method:Sound card
# Visiblility behavior of panel # bool, default: 0 #gui.auto_panel_visibility:0
# Visibility behavior of output window # bool, default: 0 #gui.auto_video_output_visibility:0
# Deinterlace plugin. # string, default: tvtime:method=LinearBlend,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 #gui.deinterlace_plugin:tvtime:method=LinearBlend,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1
# Event sender behavior # bool, default: 1 #gui.eventer_sticky:1
# Windows stacking # bool, default: 0 #gui.layer_above:0
# Use unscaled OSD # bool, default: 1 #gui.osd_use_unscaled:1
# Screensaver reset interval (s) # numeric, default: 10 #gui.screensaver_timeout:10
# Menu shortcut style # { Windows style Emacs style }, default: 0 #gui.shortcut_style:Windows style
# Stream information # bool, default: 0 #gui.sinfo_auto_update:0
# Skin Server Url # string, default: #gui.skin_server_url:
# Chapter hopping # bool, default: 1 #gui.skip_by_chapter:1
# New stream sizes resize output window # bool, default: 1 #gui.stream_resize_window:1
# Tips timeout (ms) # numeric, default: 5000 #gui.tips_timeout:5000
# gui tips visibility # bool, default: 1 #gui.tips_visible:1
# Name of video display # string, default: #gui.video_display:
# Synchronized X protocol (debug) # bool, default: 0 #gui.xsynchronize:0
# Double size for small streams (require stream_resize_window) # bool, default: 0 #gui.zoom_small_stream:0
# Logo MRL # string, default: file:/usr/share/xine/skins/xine-ui_logo.mpv #gui.logo_mrl:file:/usr/share/xine/skins/xine-ui_logo.mpv
# Amplification level # [0..200], default: 100 #gui.amp_level:100
# gui panel visibility # bool, default: 1 gui.panel_visible:0
# numeric, default: 200 #gui.panel_x:200
# numeric, default: 100 #gui.panel_y:100
# [0..65535], default: -1 #gui.vo_brightness:-1
# [0..65535], default: -1 #gui.vo_contrast:-1
# [0..65535], default: -1 #gui.vo_hue:-1
# [0..65535], default: -1 #gui.vo_saturation:-1
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 8080c0-f #gui.osdmenu.color_focused_button:8080c0-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 808080-f #gui.osdmenu.color_focused_slider:808080-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: ff8080-f #gui.osdmenu.color_focused_slider_knob:ff8080-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 808080-f #gui.osdmenu.color_focused_text_border:808080-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: ff8080-f #gui.osdmenu.color_focused_text_foreground:ff8080-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 0080c0-f #gui.osdmenu.color_label_border:0080c0-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: c08080-f #gui.osdmenu.color_label_foreground:c08080-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 0080c0-f #gui.osdmenu.color_label_window:0080c0-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 008000-f #gui.osdmenu.color_slider:008000-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: ffff00-f #gui.osdmenu.color_slider_knob:ffff00-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 008000-f #gui.osdmenu.color_text_border:008000-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: ffff00-f #gui.osdmenu.color_text_foreground:ffff00-f
# color specification yuv-opacity # string, default: 0080c0-f #gui.osdmenu.color_text_window:0080c0-f
# directory a media in dvd device will be mounted # string, default: /dvd #gui.osdmenu.dvd_mountpoint:/dvd
# palette (foreground-border-background) to use for subtitles and OSD # { white-black-transparent white-none-transparent white-none-translucid yellow-black-transparent }, default: 0 #ui.osd.text_palette:white-black-transparent
# notify changes to the hardware mixer # bool, default: 1 #audio.alsa_hw_mixer:1
# audio driver to use # { auto null alsa file none }, default: 0 #audio.driver:auto
# use A/52 dynamic range compression # bool, default: 0 #audio.a52.dynamic_range:0
# downmix audio to 2 channel surround stereo # bool, default: 0 #audio.a52.surround_downmix:0
# A/52 volume # [0..200], default: 100 #audio.a52.level:100
# device used for mono output # string, default: default #audio.device.alsa_default_device:default
# device used for stereo output # string, default: plug:front:default audio.device.alsa_front_device:default
# alsa mixer device # string, default: PCM #audio.device.alsa_mixer_name:PCM
# sound card can do mmap # bool, default: 0 #audio.device.alsa_mmap_enable:0
# device used for 5.1-channel output # string, default: iec958:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2 #audio.device.alsa_passthrough_device:iec958:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2
# device used for 4-channel output # string, default: plug:surround40:0 #audio.device.alsa_surround40_device:plug:surround40:0
# device used for 5.1-channel output # string, default: plug:surround51:0 #audio.device.alsa_surround51_device:plug:surround51:0
# speaker arrangement # { Mono 1.0 Stereo 2.0 Headphones 2.0 Stereo 2.1 Surround 3.0 Surround 4.0 Surround 4.1 Surround 5.0 Surround 5.1 Surround 6.0 Surround 6.1 Surround 7.1 Pass Through }, default: 1 #audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Stereo 2.0
# offset for digital passthrough # numeric, default: 0 #audio.synchronization.passthrough_offset:0
# play audio even on slow/fast speeds # bool, default: 0 #audio.synchronization.slow_fast_audio:0
# method to sync audio and video # { metronom feedback resample }, default: 0 #audio.synchronization.av_sync_method:metronom feedback
# always resample to this rate (0 to disable) # numeric, default: 0 #audio.synchronization.force_rate:0
# enable resampling # { auto off on }, default: 0 #audio.synchronization.resample_mode:auto
# startup audio volume # [0..100], default: 50 #audio.volume.mixer_volume:50
# restore volume level at startup # bool, default: 0 #audio.volume.remember_volume:0
# video driver to use # { auto vdpau xv raw aa xshm none }, default: 0 #video.driver:auto
# disable all video scaling # bool, default: 0 #video.output.disable_scaling:0
# horizontal image position in the output window # [0..100], default: 50 #video.output.horizontal_position:50
# vdpau: HD deinterlace method # { bob half temporal half temporal_spatial temporal temporal_spatial }, default: 3 #video.output.vdpau_deinterlace_method:temporal
# vdpau: Try to recreate progressive frames from pulldown material # bool, default: 1 video.output.vdpau_enable_inverse_telecine:0
# vdpau: disable deinterlacing when progressive_frame flag is set # bool, default: 0 video.output.vdpau_honor_progressive:1
# vdpau: disable advanced deinterlacers chroma filter # bool, default: 0 video.output.vdpau_skip_chroma_deinterlace:1
# vertical image position in the output window # [0..100], default: 50 #video.output.vertical_position:50
# Choose speed over specification compliance # bool, default: 0 #video.processing.ffmpeg_choose_speed_over_accuracy:0
# MPEG-4 postprocessing quality # [0..6], default: 3 #video.processing.ffmpeg_pp_quality:3
# Skip loop filter # { default none nonref bidir nonkey all }, default: 0 #video.processing.ffmpeg_skip_loop_filter:default
# FFmpeg video decoding thread count # numeric, default: 1 #video.processing.ffmpeg_thread_count:1
# device used for CD audio # string, default: /dev/cdrom #media.audio_cd.device:/dev/cdrom
# slow down disc drive to this speed factor # numeric, default: 4 #media.audio_cd.drive_slowdown:4
# query CDDB # bool, default: 1 #media.audio_cd.use_cddb:1
# CDDB cache directory # string, default: /root/.xine/cddbcache #media.audio_cd.cddb_cachedir:/root/.xine/cddbcache
# CDDB server port # numeric, default: 8880 #media.audio_cd.cddb_port:8880
# CDDB server name # string, default:
# directory for saving streams # string, default: #media.capture.save_dir:
# Number of dvb card to use. # numeric, default: 0 #media.dvb.adapter:0
# Remember last DVB channel watched # bool, default: 1 #media.dvb.remember_channel:1
# Number of seconds until tuning times out. # numeric, default: 0 #media.dvb.tuning_timeout:0
# DVB Channels config file # string, default: /root/.xine/channels.conf #media.dvb.channels_conf:/root/.xine/channels.conf
# Enable the DVB GUI # bool, default: 1 #media.dvb.gui_enabled:1
# Last DVB channel viewed # numeric, default: -1 #media.dvb.last_channel:-1
# default language for DVD playback # string, default: en #media.dvd.language:en
# region the DVD player claims to be in (1 to 8) # numeric, default: 1 #media.dvd.region:1
# device used for DVD playback # string, default: /dev/dvd #media.dvd.device:/dev/dvd
# raw device set up for DVD access # string, default: /dev/rdvd #media.dvd.raw_device:/dev/rdvd
# read-ahead caching # bool, default: 1 #media.dvd.readahead:1
# CSS decryption method # { key disc title }, default: 0 #media.dvd.css_decryption_method:key
# play mode when title/chapter is given # { entire dvd one chapter }, default: 0 #media.dvd.play_single_chapter:entire dvd
# unit for seeking # { seek in program chain seek in program }, default: 0 #media.dvd.seek_behaviour:seek in program chain
# unit for the skip action # { skip program skip part skip title }, default: 0 #media.dvd.skip_behaviour:skip program
# path to the title key cache # string, default: /root/.dvdcss/ #media.dvd.css_cache_path:/root/.dvdcss/
# file browsing start location # string, default: /usr/local/dvb/VDR/logs #media.files.origin_path:/usr/local/dvb/VDR/logs
# list hidden files # bool, default: 0 #media.files.show_hidden_files:0
# network bandwidth # { 14.4 Kbps (Modem) 19.2 Kbps (Modem) 28.8 Kbps (Modem) 33.6 Kbps (Modem) 34.4 Kbps (Modem) 57.6 Kbps (Modem) 115.2 Kbps (ISDN) 262.2 Kbps (Cable/DSL) 393.2 Kbps (Cable/DSL) 524.3 Kbps (Cable/DSL) 1.5 Mbps (T1) 10.5 Mbps (LAN) }, default: 10 Mbps (T1)
# Timeout for network stream reading (in seconds) # numeric, default: 30
# Domains for which to ignore the HTTP proxy # string, default:
# HTTP proxy host # string, default:
# HTTP proxy password # string, default:
# HTTP proxy port # numeric, default: 80
# HTTP proxy username # string, default:
# MMS protocol # { auto TCP HTTP }, default: 0
# automatically advance VCD track/entry # bool, default: 1 #media.vcd.autoadvance:1
# VCD default type to use on autoplay # { MPEG track entry segment playback-control item }, default: 3 #media.vcd.autoplay:playback-control item
# VCD position slider range # { auto track entry }, default: 0 #media.vcd.length_reporting:auto
# show 'rejected' VCD LIDs # bool, default: 0 #media.vcd.show_rejected:0
# VCD format string for stream comment field # string, default: %P - Track %T #media.vcd.comment_format:%P - Track %T
# VCD debug flag mask # numeric, default: 0 #media.vcd.debug:0
# device used for VCD playback # string, default: /dev/cdrom #media.vcd.device:/dev/cdrom
# VCD format string for display banner # string, default: %F - %I %N%L%S, disk %c of %C - %v %A #media.vcd.title_format:%F - %I %N%L%S, disk %c of %C - %v %A
# v4l ALSA audio input device # string, default: plughw:0,0 #media.video4linux.audio_device:plughw:0,0
# v4l radio device # string, default: /dev/radio0 #media.video4linux.radio_device:/dev/radio0
# v4l video device # string, default: /dev/video0 #media.video4linux.video_device:/dev/video0
# v4l TV standard # { AUTO PAL NTSC SECAM OLD }, default: 4 #media.video4linux.tv_standard:OLD
# device used for WinTV-PVR 250/350 (pvr plugin) # string, default: /dev/video0 #media.wintv_pvr.device:/dev/video0
# path to RealPlayer codecs # string, default: #decoder.external.real_codecs_path:
# path to Win32 codecs # string, default: /usr/lib/codecs #decoder.external.win32_codecs_path:/usr/lib/codecs
# subtitle size # { tiny small normal large very large huge }, default: 1 #subtitles.separate.subtitle_size:small
# subtitle vertical offset # numeric, default: 0 #subtitles.separate.vertical_offset:0
# font for subtitles # string, default: sans #subtitles.separate.font:sans
# font for subtitles # string, default: #subtitles.separate.font_freetype:
# whether to use a freetype font # bool, default: 0 #subtitles.separate.font_use_freetype:0
# encoding of the subtitles # string, default: iso-8859-1 #subtitles.separate.src_encoding:iso-8859-1
# use unscaled OSD if possible # bool, default: 1 #subtitles.separate.use_unscaled_osd:1
# frames per second to generate # numeric, default: 14 #effects.goom.fps:14
# goom image height # numeric, default: 240 #effects.goom.height:240
# goom image width # numeric, default: 320 #effects.goom.width:320
# colour space conversion method # { Fast but not photorealistic Slow but looks better }, default: 0 #effects.goom.csc_method:Fast but not photorealistic
# number of audio buffers # numeric, default: 230 engine.buffers.audio_num_buffers:500
# number of video buffers # numeric, default: 500 engine.buffers.video_num_buffers:1000
# default number of video frames # numeric, default: 15 engine.buffers.video_num_frames:22
# priority for a/52 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.a/52:0
# priority for bitplane decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.bitplane:0
# priority for dts decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.dts:0
# priority for dvaudio decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.dvaudio:0
# priority for faad decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.faad:0
# priority for ffmpeg-wmv8 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.ffmpeg-wmv8:0
# priority for ffmpeg-wmv9 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.ffmpeg-wmv9:0
# priority for ffmpegaudio decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.ffmpegaudio:0
# priority for ffmpegvideo decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.ffmpegvideo:0
# priority for gsm610 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.gsm610:0
# priority for mad decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.mad:0
# priority for mpeg2 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.mpeg2:0
# priority for nsf decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.nsf:0
# priority for pcm decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.pcm:0
# priority for qta decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.qta:0
# priority for qtv decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.qtv:0
# priority for realadec decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.realadec:0
# priority for realvdec decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.realvdec:0
# priority for rgb decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.rgb:0
# priority for spucc decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.spucc:0
# priority for spucmml decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.spucmml:0
# priority for spudec decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.spudec:0
# priority for spudvb decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.spudvb:0
# priority for sputext decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.sputext:0
# priority for vdpau_h264 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.vdpau_h264:0
# priority for vdpau_mpeg12 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.vdpau_mpeg12:0
# priority for vdpau_vc1 decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.vdpau_vc1:0
# priority for wavpackdec decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.wavpackdec:0
# priority for win32a decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.win32a:0
# priority for win32v decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.win32v:0
# priority for yuv decoder # numeric, default: 0 #engine.decoder_priorities.yuv:0
# media format detection strategy # { default reverse content extension }, default: 0 #engine.demux.strategy:default
# memcopy method used by xine # { probe libc kernel mmx mmxext sse }, default: 0 engine.performance.memcpy_method:mmxext
# percentage of discarded frames to tolerate # numeric, default: 10 #engine.performance.warn_discarded_threshold:10
# percentage of skipped frames to tolerate # numeric, default: 10 #engine.performance.warn_skipped_threshold:10
# allow implicit changes to the configuration (e.g. by MRL) # bool, default: 0 #misc.implicit_config:0
----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Baxter" To: "VDR Mailing List" Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 1:57 AM Subject: [vdr] vdr-xine - skipping audio & video
Hi - am at my wits end!!!
I've now tried vdr-xine-0.9.3 with XV and with VDPAU, and several settings in .xine/config for engine.buffers.audio_num_buffers (2300) and engine.buffers.video_num_frames (60) but I still get skips in audio and video when viewing recorded programs - which I don't get in vdr-xine-0.8.0.
The skips occur at the same time as VDR console messages "buffering xx frames", and start out OK when watching the program but within a few minutes deteriorate further and further.
I've been trying to upgrade from 0.8.0 since 2007 now - but it's the only version which works flawlessly for me.
My production box has: vdr-1.6.0 fedora 10 with latest kernel fluxbox and X window manager latest standard v4l-dvb drivers plugins: vdr-xine-0.8.0, iptv, epgsearch, skinenigmang, femon, radio, recstatus, pvrinput. xine started with : xine --no-splash -Bfpqg --hide-gui -r anamorphic -V xv -Dtvtime:method=Greedy2Frame,cheap_mode=0,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 --post vdr_video --post vdr_audio vdr://tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes
I've tested the following vdr-1.7.9 with the s2-liplianin drivers vdr-1.7.9 with the standard latest v4l-dvb drivers vdr-xine various versions from 0.8.1 right up to 0.9.3 xine-lib-1.2 with VDPAU and with XV output started by either: xine --no-splash -Bfpqg --hide-gui -r anamorphic -V vdpau -Dtvtime:method=Greedy2Frame,cheap_mode=0,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 --post vdr_video --post vdr_audio vdr://tmp/vdr-xine/stream#dex:mpeg_pes OR xine --no-splash -Bfpqg --hide-gui -r anamorphic -V xv -Dtvtime:method=Greedy2Frame,cheap_mode=0,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 --post vdr_video --post vdr_audio vdr://tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes
Can someone share their experiences with VDPAU and vdr-xine, or offer any suggestions???
Thanks Simon
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