On 07 Aug 2005 "Christoph Hermanns" Christoph.Hermanns@web.de wrote:
How can i speed up the starting of the dvb driver and vdr ?
If you're using a FF dvb card, loading the firmware takes some time.
You can speed up this (or actually hide some time) if you don't let runvdr load the driver but rather create an own startup script to load the driver and run this one very first after boot i.e. S01. You have to background (&) the make insmod call.
You can further speed up things, if you don't use seperate startup scripts but rather one single boot script.
Scanning IDE bus e.g. for DVD-ROM blocks my machine for several seconds. So I compiled IDE driver as a module (doing network boot, so no boot drive). I call modprobe ide-detect very late in the boot process.