Martin Wache wrote:
Hi Tero,
Tero Siironen schrieb:
I've made patches for VDR 1.4.5 and few plugins (Subtitles, streamdev and xineliboutput, softdevice) to run them on Mac OS X (10.4.8 Intel tested)
Funny, a friend, Stefan Rieke and me are also working on getting VDR to run on Mac OS X. We have VDR 1.4.0 running on OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.8, together with a few plugins. I think we are a bit more advanced than you, we have a special version of the softdevice which has native audio and video Mac OS X support (the video is displayed via OpenGL), and a very alpha version of an mminput-plugin, which makes it possible to use USB DVB devices on Mac OS X together with the VDR. However after a short look you patches to VDR seem to be cleaner than ours ;-)
We planned to publish our work some time ago, but up to now we delayed it again and again... Maybe we can join our efforts? If you are interested, you (or anyone else...) can find our special softdevice version at
We developed it using a PowerPCs, so there might be some endian problems on Intel Systems. The package also contains short instructions how to build the softdevice and ffmpeg.
A few months ago I have received a patch that adapts VDR to the Mac from Andreas Thiede (a.thiede at berlin dot de), but haven't had time to really look into it yet (shame on me - I'm permanently out of time...). Don't know if he's working with any of you. Anyway, if this is supposed to go into the main VDR source one day, it might be best if you join forces and agree on common solution. I would appreciate if the impact on the VDR source could be kept to a minimum by putting everything as far as possible into a separate compat.[hc] and avoiding tons of "#ifdef __APPLE__" all over the place.