Rob Davis wrote:
I have a couple of SkyStar cards on a VDR server, running xineliboutput on an NVidia card using a VGA cable to my HDTV. I am seeing lagging, tearing and noticeable interlacing.
For tearing check that you have sync to Vblank enabled for Xv in nvidia-settings and include running of that in non-GUI mode into your X session startup. I wonder if that is available in xorg.conf. For nvidia remember to have Option "UseEvents" "True" in xorg.conf.
I wasn't able to get good motion via 60 Hz VGA and switched to HDMI that supports 50 Hz picture. I lost native panel resolution for slightly less sharp 720p mode but the overall video quality is much better. 60 Hz VGA might be good for NTSC but not for PAL.
I use for deinterlacing GreedyL deinterlacer with full frame rate (judder compensation off, chroma filter on, etc.) and the result is in my opinion good. E.g. horizontal scrolling news and stock tickers look perfect, better and sharper motion than in 2nd vdr box with old 50 Hz CRT TV and DXR3.
If overscan of 720p annoys and TV doesn't support underscan it is possible to compensated HDMI desktop overscan with this kind of modeline
ModeLine "1224x689p50" 74.2 1224 1720 1760 1980 689 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync
Then something like 3-4% overscan can be added to xineliboutput settings to hide the trash outside picture area. I had to fiddle also with nvidia-settings resolution related scaling effects to get desired overscan compensation effect.
Full HD TVs fortunately support underscan or exact scan.
Is it worth buying a DXR3 on ebay?
Not if DVI/HDMI is possible.
BR, Seppo