Huber, Matthias RD-CP1 wrote:
Now I try to get VDR running on a DBox2. The tuxbox project (Linux for Dbox2) incorporates a patched vdr-1.2.6. I could get this installed, OSD works, remote control works with LIRC.
Have you got a URL for that ?
My problem is, if I try to replay a recording from the server via NFS, data gets streamed, but I see no pictures and hear no sound... Is anybody else running VDR on Dbox2 ? Is the recording format (of 001.vdr, e.g.) backward-compatible from 1.3.17 to 1.2.6 ?
I'm still waiting for a clean solution (if it's with vdr or vlc) that allows me to play vdr-files on the dbox2 :( Any hints are welcome....