s.huelswitt@gmx.de(Stefan Huelswitt) 23.06.05 18:36
Once upon a time "Stefan Huelswitt " shaped the electrons to say...
On 23 Jun 2005 Rainer Zocholl <UseNet-Posting-Nospam-74308-@zocki.topp
oint.de> wrote: s.huelswitt@gmx.de(Stefan Huelswitt) 23.06.05 15:55
Once upon a time "Stefan Huelswitt " shaped the electrons to say...
On 23 Jun 2005 Rainer Zocholl <UseNet-Posting-Nospam-74308-@zocki.to
pp oint.de> wrote: s.huelswitt@gmx.de(Stefan Huelswitt) 22.06.05 15:11
If CRC checking is enabled on dmx-filter setup (dmx_sct_filter_params.flags |= DMX_CKECK_CRC), the driver does it for you.
And what happens with the data if it fails? Is it decarded or just "tagged" to be invalid?
AFAIK it's discarded by the driver.
Then a wrong time would never reach VDR.
See line below ;)
VDR doesn't enable the check.
That's why i wrote "would" ;-)