Al 21/04/13 15:52, En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
Any visual feedback will be done via the channel display of the skin, by comparing CurrentLongitude() to TargetLongitude(). And of course any section filtering will start only after the target position has been reached.
Mmh, how will the system decide between "GotoAngle" and "GotoPosition"? I have a linear actuator and I can only work with pulses. While in theory calculating the angle is possible, it'd be difficult to do and it will vary based on the geometry of the mount. Also, I don't like the use of "Number" in StorePosition, mainly because I've been using Source up until now, but I guess I can live with that.
From the complete interface it seems that everything regarding
positioning will be managed by vdr itself, so the main screen of my plugin[*] will be made redundant (good! I'm lazy), one thing I see missing is some way to show error conditions (I have "Limit reached" and "Motor error", which means the motor isn't moving even if it should).