On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Jouni Karvo Jouni.Karvo@iki.fi wrote:
an additional problem is the definition of "viewed". I don't normally view the end credits. Also, I have normally 10min extra in the end of each recording, just in case. So normally there are around 10-15mins in the end of a viewed recording that have not been viewed. But this would probably vary - a little different for each user.
Seems a difficult thing to do "right". Matti's plugin sounds like a working solution, instead.
I don't think it's difficult to do right at all to be honest. You can just make user-defined thresholds so the the user can decide himself how many mins or % of the total recording triggers the partial-view and viewed flags. For example one guy might want:
not-viewed: <5% viewed partial-viewed: 5%+ viewed viewed: 95%+ viewed
and another guy could customize it differently such as <10%, 10%+, 99%+... This way the user gets the 3 flags and gets to decide when they're triggered. I think this would satisfy the majority/most users with low difficulty to implement.