On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 17:44 +0200, Lucian Muresan wrote:
Nicolas Huillard wrote:
Lucian Muresan a écrit :
even if it's off-topic on this list, the glcdlib driver I wrote for LCDproc emerged due to graphlcd which I heard of on this list first. You can have a look at http://www.muresan.de/graphlcd/lcdproc/ if you're interested. Many thanks go to Andreas Regel and the whole VDR developers and contributors.
If I understand correctly the introduction on http://www.muresan.de/graphlcd/lcdproc/, this driver allows lcdproc to display things on a graphic LCD, but does not allow to use a text-based LCD display with the graphlcd plugin (which seems obvious, stated like this).
How does this differ from the graphlcd plugin?