Any ideas if it can decode MPEG4 and playback mp3?
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Gavin Hamill wrote:
On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 21:04 +0200, Alex Betis wrote:
Thanks. Nice project. I'll try to use it, few questions still bother me. What is MVP that that client was intended to use?
Hauppauge MediaMVP - small hardware device that was supposed to use its own Hauppauge Windows software as its 'server' - the vomp plugins allow VDR to be the server for these devices.
Why creating its own GUI and not pass the output of VDR (with all the menus) on the network to the client as VLC and streamdev do it? Maybe the intention was to pass only DVB traffic...
The vomp windows client seems to be a software implementation of the MediaMVP hardware, so hence it's using the same protocols :) There is no standard method by which to 'pass all the menus on the network'...
Anyone tried to use the VOMP client as an output device on Linux instead of xine or softdevice?
Yes, works fine. I use it from time to time with a full-featured card. Mainly I just stream a single channel with VLC, tho :)
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