On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 20:54:06 +0100, Udo Richter udo_richter@gmx.de wrote:
Am 02.11.2010 12:20, schrieb Rene Bartsch:
So I suggest to add start margin (and maybe stop margin) to the info files of recordings.
There is no fixed start/stop margin. I have some timers with 5min before / 10min after, and others with 10min before and 30min after. Depends on how much delays the channel usually has.
I'm talking about the MARGINSTART in setup.conf or a manually per recording set one.
The idea is simple:
1.) Create an OTR filename from the information in the info file (as VDR and OTR recordings use EPG data, it's simple regex parsing)
2.) Download a cutlist for the corresponding OTR recording at Cutlist.at (preferably rated with 5.00)
3.) Substract the 360 seconds OTR standard leader from the cut marks
4.) Add the preset VDR leader (MARGINSTART) to the cut marks
5.) Convert the cut marks to VDR marks file
6.) Be happy
Only precondition: Reliable clock in the VDR machine (e.g. radio clock or NTP)
Also, this would help only partially, as there's no guarantee that start/stop margin is actually part of the recording. The time in the folder name is just the timer time, not necessarily the recording start time. Differences may appear on VPS recordings, timers set/enabled after start time, and recordings that couldn't be started because of downtime or missing devices.
There's no guarantee you survive crossing the street at your home. ;-)
If the VDR clock is reliable and the recording is not started delayed you get perfect cuts. Tried that with impressing results on a Indiana Jones recording.
Just consider: VDR stores the UNIX_TimeStamp of the EPG event which is the same for OTR recordings. To adjust the cutmarks you only need to know the recording start offsets of the VDR machine and OTR.
So VDR just has to store the offset between EPG event UNIX_TimeStamp and real recording start in the info file (tried that with fixed MARGINSTART=10 and 360 seconds for the OTR leader -> perfect match)
For delayed starts the margin in the info file
Best regards,
P.S: The script is a dirty hack - just a proof of concept:
# Parameters # $1: Absolute path to recording directory # $2: OTR name of station (e.g. 'sat1' instead of 'SAT.1')
# Cutlist rating (cutlist.at x 100, max. 500) RATING=500
# VDR video directory VIDEODIR=/home/vdr/video
# VDR start margin in seconds MARGINSTART_VDR=600
# OTR start margin in seconds MARGINSTART_OTR=360
INFO="`head -n3 $1/info`" STATION="$(echo $INFO | sed -r -n s/'^C .* (.*) E [0-9]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+[A-Z]+ [0-9]+ T (.*)$'/\1/p)" START="$(echo $INFO | sed -r -n s/'^C .* (.*) E [0-9]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+[A-Z]+ [0-9]+ T (.*)$'/\2/p)" DURATION="$(echo $INFO | sed -r -n s/'^C .* (.*) E [0-9]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+[A-Z]+ [0-9]+ T (.*)$'/\3/p)" TITLE="$(echo $INFO | sed -r -n s/'^C .* (.*) E [0-9]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+[A-Z]+ [0-9]+ T (.*)$'/\4/p)"
# Stations STATION="$2"
# Umlauts TITLE="${TITLE//Ä/Ae}" TITLE="${TITLE//Ö/Oe}" TITLE="${TITLE//Ü/Ue}" TITLE="${TITLE//ä/ae}" TITLE="${TITLE//ö/oe}" TITLE="${TITLE//ü/ue}" TITLE="${TITLE//ß/ss}"
URL="http://cutlist.at/getxml.php?name=$%7BTITLE// /_}_`date -d @$START +%y.%m.%d_%H-%M`_${STATION}_$(($DURATION/60))_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi" XML="`wget --quiet -O - $URL`" if [ "$(echo -e "$XML" | sed -r -n s:'<rating>(.*)</rating>':\1:p | sed -r -n s:'([0-9]).([0-9]+)':\1\2:p | head -n1)" -ge $RATING ]; then { URL="http://cutlist.at/getfile.php?id=$(echo -e "$XML" | sed -r -n s:'<id>(.*)</id>':\1:p | head -n1)" declare -a MARK MARK=(`wget --quiet -O - $URL`) for((i=0; i<${#MARK[*]}; i++)); do { case "${MARK[$i]}" in Start*) MARK[$i]=`calc ${MARK[$i]#Start=} + $MARGINSTART_VDR - $MARGINSTART_OTR` SEC="${MARK[$i]%.*}" MSEC="${MARK[$i]#*.}" MSEC="${MSEC:0:2}" MARKS+="`printf %1d:%02d:%02d.%02d§ $(($SEC/3600)) $(($SEC%3600/60)) $(($SEC%3600%60)) $MSEC`" ;; Duration*) MARK[$i]=`calc ${MARK[$i-1]} + ${MARK[$i]#Duration=}` SEC="${MARK[$i]%.*}" MSEC="${MARK[$i]#*.}" MSEC="${MSEC:0:2}" MARKS+="`printf %1d:%02d:%02d.%02d§ $(($SEC/3600)) $(($SEC%3600/60)) $(($SEC%3600%60)) $MSEC`" ;; *) ;; esac }; done echo -e "${MARKS//§/\n}" > "$1\marks" cat "$1\marks" }; fi