On 11.03.2013 09:12, C.Scheeder wrote:
Am 11.03.2013 08:04, schrieb Manfred Schmidt-Voigt:
just want to ask, if everything is ok with the VDR list or if there is some Spam Filtering going on to filter out important anouncements. I did not receive the last "official" anounctments from Klaus about 1.7.39 and 1.7.40 via this list. I only saw it in VDR-Portal. But I've get the replies for these anouncements on this list.
Strange or well known?
greets Manfred
Hi, the filter probably is on your side, i got these anouncements over the list. christoph
Thank for the answers. I just doublechecked my spamfilters. I found out, that the Anouncement mail will be filtered by my "Penis" filter. Should normaly drop everything with penis enlargement (not neseccary for me), but I have also included some other "bad" words around that subject/object. I will analyze it for future mails again. I moved those mails now to my SPAM folder without deleting them.
thanks again and greets from the snow Manfred