I demand that Carsten Koch may or may not have written...
Darren Salt, the guardian of the english lanaguage, wrote:
I demand that Carsten Koch may or may not have written...
Maybe green and yellow could be used altered, so they continue to go forward/backward one minute out of play mode, but would go forward/backward one frame out of pause mode?
Why not when _in_, respectively, play mode and pause mode?
You may be in play/pause mode before and after skipping forward/backward, but while you skip you are in skip mode.
Or, rather, VDR may be in the relevant mode. ;-)
Does that make any sense to a native english speaker?
Well... yes - but, wrt what's being discussed, it's a curious way of putting it. I prefer to consider playing, paused etc. as states within playback mode. (Strangely, we have "resume playback" from the paused state. I blame the language.)
I would certainly put it that way in german. :-)
That's "English" and "German". We do have /some/ capitalised nouns... :-)