On 1/2/06, Oliver Endriss o.endriss@gmx.de wrote:
Oliver Endriss wrote:
Paul Lacatus wrote:
Sorry about offtopic but from vdr wiki I found that there is a way to improve the stability of SNR and STR readings in vdr but didn't found relevant information to go further with the voltage moding. If
can give me a link I will be gratefull
See http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/SpannungsMod I applied the first solution (loesung 1: original hauppauge):
- remove coil connected to pin 14 of the tuner
- connect tuner pin 14 with pin 4 (or pin 6)
Oops, the coil is _located_ at pin 14, but _connected_ to pin 13! So it should read:
- remove coil connected to pin 13 of the tuner
- connect tuner pin 13 with pin 4 (or pin 6)
So for me german to english translation put some problems. I need to understand exactly what I am doing. On pin 13 is voltage from computer 5v powersupply over a small LC filter. What is on pin 4 or 6 ?