Nicolas Huillard schrieb:
Sascha Vogt a écrit :
And the second question is about the preferred distribution to use VDR with. Are there any distributions optimized for VDR and fast boot times?
I started with a bare-minimum Debian/e-tobi install (with debootstrap on an NFS share, which gives a really light bootable system), then installed whatever needed, but nothing fancy (ie. X with a tiny WM, but no login manager, ACPI, no dbus, etc...). Boot time is not spectacular, but OK. [...]
Can you provide any figures? 30 seconds, 50 seconds, 90 seconds? To get at least a rough idea.
Greetings -Sascha-
PS: Suspend to Ram can be a good alternative, that's true. Hopefully that'll be working on that ASUS board...