how many repeats do you get with irw in 10 seconds? From this calculate how much time is between two repeats.
If this is too long, it has to be adjusted in your lirc.conf or in the lirc driver for your lirc receiver. IŽm assuming your remote is sending the repeats fast enough, but maybe that is not the case?
The repeats in irw are too long too, so I don't think it's a VDR problem
specially you could try different values of toggle_bit in lircd.conf
My lircd.conf has : begin remote
name Hauppauge_350 bits 13 flags RC5|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100
one 969 811 zero 969 811 plead 1097 gap 114605 # gap 200000 toggle_bit 2what other values can I try in toggle_bit ?