The way I understand it, the shows are sent as mpeg2, VDR decodes to raw data and stores as xxx.vdr files? which then need a special player that dosn't seem to work correctly to play these now much larger files which eat up a lot more space. So why not store them as mpeg files? A more common format which seems to have more options to play back and which work better? What format do DVD's use? What do you gain by converting to xxx.vdr aside from not needing to decode on playback? Which would be an advantage if the system worked and it didn't requre more complexities to convert back to mpeg for recording to a dvd. Also mpeg is a lossy compression, so data is lost converting back and forth.
----- Original Message ----- From: "C.Y.M" To: "VDR Mailing List" Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 5:14 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion
Juri Haberland wrote:
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
C.Y.M wrote:
Since it has been several years now and I have never been able to
solve the a/v
desync issues with my Nexus-S FF card when playing back recordings...
I'm replaying many recordings (actually most of what I watch are recordings ;-) and don't even remember when was the last time I had an A/V desync.