Jörg Schneide wrote:
Oliver Endriss wrote:
debug=16 is correct for all recent dvb-kernel drivers.
... The file dvb-ttpci.ko (comes with a precompiled addon in *.tgz) has the date 06.10.2004, so I think its rather old.
With kernel 2.6.x you can simply type echo 16 > /sys/module/dvb_ttpci/parameters/debug
So it should work, but it doesn't.
I found out -more by accident- that the parameter debug_ir=16 works.
Wrong, this never worked. Older drivers used av7110_ir_debug=1.
The older driver worked with av7110_ir_debug=1, the driver that comes with the mini distri I use did not. It also works not with debug=16, it works exactly with debug_ir=16 as parameter and with echo 16 > /sys/module/dvb_ttpci/debug_ir The fact that /sys/module/dvb_ttpci/debug_ir exists brought me to the idea to try the above line and suddenly it worked. Believe me.
Ok, I checked the history of av7110_ir.c in CVS. You are right. 'debug_ir' was introduced on Jul 29th 2004 and dropped again on Sep 20 2004. I must have missed that. ;-)
/sys/module/dvb_ttpci/debug also exists but I can write what I want to it there seems to be no effect. Maybe there are some patches applied to the driver, but I don't believe they are related to the IR remote stuff. As far as I know from the forum of the distribution I use, I am the only one who has problems with the IR-interface (or better: with my remotes), and I never asked the maintainer to apply a patch.
But when you know that debug_ir never worked, you probably know where debug=16 is documented, do you have a link?
Well, from a recent av7110_ir.c: | /* enable ir debugging by or'ing debug with 16 */
Afaik it is not documented anywhere else. There are some notes about ir debugging in the dvb-apps package, but it is still referring to the old DVB driver (av7110_ir_debug).
And what I would like to know abaout this line in the remote.conf: remote-event0._Setup /proc/av7110_ir 00000000 18 I think the last parameter is the RC5 adress, but what does the one before (besides the one bit for inversion)?
Basically, it's the configuration word which is used to configure the driver: - bit 0: RC5 or RCMM remote control - bit 15: inverted or not inverted signal
The last parameter is the RC5 address.