Am Sonntag 19 Juni 2005 13:17 schrieb Rainer Zocholl: Wiesweg) 18.06.05 23:29
VOX;RTL World:666000:I0C23D0M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:545:546=deu:551:0:16418:8468
:8706:0 VOX;RTL World:666000:I0C23D0M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:0:0:0:0:1641
Any usefull step to narrow the problem?
If the pragmatical solution (new channels.conf) does not work, you might want to analyze the relevant SI information: Install dvbsnoop. For command line options, read their examples list. Retrieve the PAT at PID 0x00. Retrieve the PMT for VOX at the PID given by the PAT.
How to do that?
Read the EITs at PID 0x12 and find the one for VOX. Look at the service ID it refers to.
msi:~/video# dvbsnoop -crc -sync -demux /dev/dvb/adapter3/demux0 -dvr /dev/dvb/adapter3/dvr0 -frontend /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0 16 dvbsnoop V1.3.35 --
SECT-Packet: 00000001 PID: 16 (0x0010), Length: 67 (0x0043) Time received: Sun 2005-06-19 13:11:20.046
0000: 40 f0 40 30 0b c7 00 00 f0 0b 40 09 54 2d 53 79 @.@0......@.T-Sy 0010: 73 74 65 6d 73 f0 28 0b 02 21 14 f0 22 41 0c 40 stems.(..!.."A.@ 0020: 15 01 40 16 01 40 1b 01 40 22 01 5a 0b 03 bb 33 ..@..@..@".Z...3 0030: 40 1f 41 1b ff ff ff ff 62 05 ff 03 f8 3c 40 5f @.A.....b....<@_ 0040: 7e 37 21 ~7!
PID: 16 (0x0010) NIT-decoding.... Table_ID: 64 (0x40) [= Network Information Table (NIT) - actual network] section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01) reserved_1: 1 (0x01) reserved_2: 3 (0x03) Section_length: 64 (0x0040) Network_ID: 12299 (0x300b) [= --> please lookup at] reserved_3: 3 (0x03) Version_number: 3 (0x03) current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01) [= valid now] Section_number: 0 (0x00) Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00) reserved_4: 15 (0x0f) Network_descriptor_length: 11 (0x000b)
DVB-DescriptorTag: 64 (0x40) [= network_name_descriptor] Descriptor_length: 9 (0x09) Network_name: "T-Systems" -- Charset: Latin alphabet
reserved_5: 15 (0x0f) Transport_stream_loop_length: 40 (0x0028)
Transport_stream_ID: 2818 (0x0b02) Original_network_ID: 8468 (0x2114) [= German Digital Terrestrial
Television | IRT on behalf of the German DVB-T broadcasts] reserved_1: 15 (0x0f) Transport_descriptor_length: 34 (0x0022)
DVB-DescriptorTag: 65 (0x41) [= service_list_descriptor] Descriptor_length: 12 (0x0c) Service_ID: 16405 (0x4015) [= --> refers to PMT
program_number] Service_type: 1 (0x01) [= digital television service]
Service_ID: 16406 (0x4016) [= --> refers to PMT
program_number] Service_type: 1 (0x01) [= digital television service]
Service_ID: 16411 (0x401b) [= --> refers to PMT
program_number] Service_type: 1 (0x01) [= digital television service]
Service_ID: 16418 (0x4022) [= --> refers to PMT
program_number] Service_type: 1 (0x01) [= digital television service]
DVB-DescriptorTag: 90 (0x5a) [=
terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor] Descriptor_length: 11 (0x0b) Center frequency: 0x03bb3340 (= 626000.000 kHz) Bandwidth: 0 (0x00) [= 8 MHz] reserved_1: 31 (0x1f) Constellation: 1 (0x01) [= 16-QAM] Hierarchy information: 0 (0x00) [= non-hierarchical] Code_rate_HP_stream: 1 (0x01) [= 2/3] Code_rate_LP_stream: 0 (0x00) [= 1/2] Guard_interval: 3 (0x03) [= 1/4] Transmission_mode: 1 (0x01) [= 8k mode] Other_frequency_flag: 1 (0x01) reserved_2: 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
DVB-DescriptorTag: 98 (0x62) [= frequency_list_descriptor] Descriptor_length: 5 (0x05) reserved_1: 63 (0x3f) coding_type: 3 (0x03) [= terrestrial] Centre_frequency: 03f83c40 (= 666000.000 kHz)
CRC: 1602107169 (0x5f7e3721)
msi:~/video# dvbsnoop -crc -sync -demux /dev/dvb/adapter3/demux0 -dvr /dev/dvb/adapter3/dvr0 -frontend /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0 0 dvbsnoop V1.3.35 --
SECT-Packet: 00000001 PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 32 (0x0020) Time received: Sun 2005-06-19 13:14:53.230
0000: 00 b0 1d 0b 02 c5 00 00 00 00 e0 10 40 15 e1 50 ............@..P 0010: 40 16 e1 60 40 1b e1 70 40 22 e2 20 c1 cd d7 05 @..`@..p@". ....
PID: 0 (0x0000) PAT-decoding.... Table_ID: 0 (0x00) [= Program Association Table (PAT)] section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01) (fixed): 0 (0x00) reserved_1: 3 (0x03) Section_length: 29 (0x001d) Transport_Stream_ID: 2818 (0x0b02) reserved_2: 3 (0x03) Version_number: 2 (0x02) current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01) [= valid now] Section_number: 0 (0x00) Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00)
Program_number: 0 (0x0000) reserved: 7 (0x07) Network_PID: 16 (0x0010) Program_number: 16405 (0x4015) reserved: 7 (0x07) Program_map_PID: 336 (0x0150) Program_number: 16406 (0x4016) reserved: 7 (0x07) Program_map_PID: 352 (0x0160) Program_number: 16411 (0x401b) reserved: 7 (0x07) Program_map_PID: 368 (0x0170) Program_number: 16418 (0x4022) reserved: 7 (0x07) Program_map_PID: 544 (0x0220)
CRC: 3251492613 (0xc1cdd705)
PID found: 0 (0x0000) [SECTION: Program Association Table (PAT)] PID found: 16 (0x0010) [SECTION: Network Information Table (NIT) - actual network] PID found: 18 (0x0012) [SECTION: Event Information Table (EIT) - actual transport stream, schedule] PID found: 20 (0x0014) [SECTION: Time Date Table (TDT)] scanning pid 0x0017 to 0x002a (got 20 dmx filters)
Where is a list of the PIDs? Or what is the number of "PMT"?
Sorry for the late response, but I haven't had time this week (or had to watch soccer).
dvbsnoop -n 1 0x0 gives you the PAT and a list of
Program_number: 28006 (0x6d66) reserved: 7 (0x07) Program_map_PID: 100 (0x0064)
Program_number is the Service ID of the channel, Program_map_PID is the PID where the PMT is broadcast. So if the above was the channel you are looking for, next is
dvbsnoop -n 1 100
which gives you the PMT, which is much longer. The output is formatted hierarchically, only look at the first level. There you have a list of
Stream_type: 2 (0x02) [= ITU-T Rec. H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Video | ISO/IEC 11172-2 constr. parameter video stream] reserved_1: 7 (0x07) Elementary_PID: 110 (0x006e) reserved_2: 15 (0x0f) ES_info_length: 6 (0x0006)
This is a video stream (Stream_type) which is broadcast on PID 110. You will have audio, video and some other types of stream, but you are only interested in audio and video.
Now you have a channel with a service ID, audio and video PIDs. See what is broadcast for those service ID combinations for VOX.
dvbsnoop -n 100 0x12 | grep Service_ID | sort | uniq lets you find out for which service IDs EPG info is broadcast on that transponder.
The SDT from dvbsnoop -n 1 0x11 gives you a list of
Service_id: 28007 (0x6d67) [= --> refers to PMT program_number] reserved_1: 63 (0x3f) EIT_schedule_flag: 1 (0x01) EIT_present_following_flag: 1 (0x01) Running_status: 4 (0x04) [= running] Free_CA_mode: 0 (0x00) [= unscrambled] Descriptors_loop_length: 46 (0x002e)
DVB-DescriptorTag: 72 (0x48) [= service_descriptor] Descriptor_length: 18 (0x12) service_type: 1 (0x01) [= digital television service] service_provider_name_length: 10 (0x0a) service_provider_name: "ZDFvision" --Charset: Latin alphabet no. 5 service_name_length: 5 (0x05) Service_name: "3sat" -- Charset: Latin alphabet no. 5
where you find a Service_name (last line) for the Service_id.
If you have all this information, you can reconstruct what is actually broadcast and compare it to what VDR makes of this.
Rainer---<=====> Vertraulich // // <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------
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