Vdr 1.5.11-r1[1](12:19:48 15.12.2007)(cmdsubmenu cutterlimit cutterqueue cuttime ddepgentry dolbyinrec dvbplayer dvbsetup dvdarchive dvdchapjump dvlfriendlyfnames dvlrecscriptaddon dvlvidprefer graphtft hardlinkcutter iptv jumpplay liemikuutio livebuffer mainmenuhooks menuorg osdmaxitems sortrecords sourcecaps submenu syncearly timercmd timerinfo wareagleicon yaepg -debug -lnbshare -noepg -pinplugin -rotor -settime -setup -ttxtsubs -validinput -vanilla)
When "permanent timeshift" is on I get "ring buffer overflows". First I though that it's when I use memory to store timeshift information but it happened with hard disk saving too.
Dec 15 16:33:28 htpc vdr: [14734] ERROR: 1 ring buffer overflow (177 bytes dropped) Dec 15 16:33:33 htpc vdr-sxfe[19902]: [20465] [input_vdr] No data in 8 seconds, queuing no signal image Dec 15 16:33:34 htpc vdr: [14734] ERROR: 13169 ring buffer overflows (2475772 bytes dropped) Dec 15 16:33:40 htpc vdr: [14734] ERROR: 14531 ring buffer overflows (2731828 bytes dropped) Dec 15 16:33:46 htpc vdr: [14734] ERROR: 18460 ring buffer overflows (3470480 bytes dropped)
I remember that this was "issue" somewhere this year, spring time... But still?