On 06.04.20 00:10, Daniel wrote:
Vom: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 23:42:30 +0200
On 05.04.20 19:53, Daniel wrote:
Meaning, when field 11 in channels.conf is 1 it is free and if it's != 1 it's encrypted?
The CA ID is stored in field number 9.
'1' means that this channel is "hardwired" to device 1, whether it's encrypted or not. Generally hardwiring channels to devices is not recommended.
'0' means the channel is FTA (free to air, unencrypted). Values greater than 0xFF define the CA ID of that channel, which means it is encrypted. There can be more than one CA ID for a given channel, as in "98C,9C4,98D".
That is my understanding of man 5 vdr
Hm, how do you read it's field 11 from man 5 vdr? It totally confused me since the CHANNELS section mentions from left to right documentation of fields:
Name, Frequency, Parameters, Source, Strate, VPID, APID, TPID, Conditional access, SID, NID, TID and RID
which would make field 11 the NID and field 9 the conditional access field.
You are right, it is field 9.
My channels.conf has 13 fields. An example line would be
SWR RP HD;ARD:330000:C0M256:C:6900:5131=27:0;5132=deu@106,5133=mis@106:5134;5135=deu:0:10304:1:1051:0
So if it's field 9, then
cut -d":" -f1,9 /etc/vdr/channels.conf | grep -E ':0$'
should display only free channels, but it also displays
Eurosport360HD 5,Eurosp360 5;SKY:378000:C0M256:C:6900:0:0:0:0:310:133:4:0
(complete line) for example.
If this is an encrypted channel, then the provider doesn't broadcast the CA ID according to the DVB standard.
If it's field 11, then only free channels are listed but some free channels are missing, like
PHOENIX HD;ARD:474000:C0M256:C:6900:581=27:0;582=deu@106,583=mul@106:584:0:10331:61441:10009:0
Is something wrong with my file? Kodi can show PHOENIX HD and can't decrypt Eurosport360HD 5
I'm not sure if it's ok to paste my complete channels.conf for clarification to the list (if that helps). It has 463 lines.
Just post two lines, one for an FTA channel and one for an encrypted channel.