On Fri, 2006-07-21 at 15:33 +0100, Richard Wall wrote:
I've just been writing some docs describing the way I set up VDR / Xineliboutput on Ubuntu Dapper / Debian Unstable. The docs that you probably want to read are:
http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/DEBIAN_Compiling_VDR_Source_Packages http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/DEBIAN_Configuring_VDR
Is there a way to incorporate patches into the build-process? I want to try at least the UTF and settime patch because some files contain special characters and I want to run vdr not as root. I am also interested in the livebuffer patch (or even the bigpatch, which has most of the stuff in one package).