I am using the xine-xxmc plugin and cle266 hw decoder for some years now; video running smoothly and cpu usage is low. vdr is running with vdr-xine, but I don't see why you could not use xxmc also with xineliboutput...
Do you use the TV-Out or VGA? The quality should be better with VGA, but: What resolution did you setup to get full-screen tv output in the right aspect ratio? What about deinterlacing? I now own a 100Hz LCD-TV (Sony KDL-32D3000), but it looks like the tricks used in there won't work with PC input as then you'll see the typical "kamm-effekt" (comb-effect ;-) !?) again. It looks like the PC has to do the work then. What about the various video formats? If we can't send the streams in their native format we no longer can use all the aspect settings of the TV, no? All the resizing will be done by xine now. Or is there a way that xine changes the output format on the fly?
Ciao, Mario