On Wed, 2006-11-08 at 20:02 +0200, Jaakko Kyro wrote:
This is how I run it:
df_xine -a 5:4 -l 0 -s -f top vdr:/tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes
Yes. This clearly runs vdr-xine.
The problem is that the /tmp/vdr-xine/stream doesn't exist here. Actually, this being a Gentoo system it should appear in /tmp/vdr/xine/stream but they don't. :( I get no clue from the log output either.
And, this is still completely different application - just thinking about to the subjects of your messages. Please see the difference betweren vdr-xine and xineliboutput, those are _different_ _applications_.
So, for your initial problem, please, try running vdr-vbfe first.