Hi all,
has anyone tried one of these 8/1 or 10/1 diseqc switches ? do / will they work with vdr?
thanks in advance
CopyPoint wrote:
has anyone tried one of these 8/1 or 10/1 diseqc switches ? do / will they work with vdr?
They sure will, provided that you know how to command the switch, and your dvb-s card and its driver can do diseqc properly. I have a full-featured Hauppauge dvb-s and it works just fine.
Enable diseqc in your vdr, and with diseqc.conf you can do pretty much anything you want.
For example, I have five LNBs in two dishes, cabled together with one 4-port diseqc switch and one A/B switch like this:
# --------------------- # | 4-port switch |-- to receiver # --------------------- # 1 2 3 4 # | | | | # 19.2E 13.0E 28.2E A/B # LNB LNB LNB | | # 5.0E 1.0W # LNB LNB
With a diseqc bus spec pdf, I was able to craft up a suitable diseqc.conf for my LNB configuration.
Drop me a note if you want a copy the the diseqc spec or my sample config.
At 00:09 15.09.05 +0300, you wrote:
CopyPoint wrote:
has anyone tried one of these 8/1 or 10/1 diseqc switches ? do / will they work with vdr?
They sure will, provided that you know how to command the switch,
That's the point: How do they work inside? Just as an A/B - 4-p switch cascade?
With a diseqc bus spec pdf, I was able to craft up a suitable diseqc.conf for my LNB configuration.
Drop me a note if you want a copy the the diseqc spec or my sample config.
Yes, both files please.
Thanks a lot
On Thursday 15 September 2005 09:49, Lauri Tischler wrote:
CopyPoint wrote:
Hi all,
has anyone tried one of these 8/1 or 10/1 diseqc switches ?
What type, model or make ?
So far as I know, 10/1 Diseqc has two modi...You can control as 1.1 or 1.2 ( motorized dish). Rotor plugin speaks this 1.2. I don't know if DVB-s PCI cards supports spec for DiseqC 1.1.
CopyPoint wrote:
That's the point: How do they work inside? Just as an A/B - 4-p switch cascade?
Try it? Also, you can study the diseqc PDF spec and make an educated guesss.
It might be a 4-port switch with A/B in each of the four ports, or vice versa. Or something else. :)
Drop me a note if you want a copy the the diseqc spec or my sample config.
Yes, both files please.
Take a look at these:
http://almamedia.fi:8000/~sjm/vdr/DiSeqC_bus_spec.pdf http://almamedia.fi:8000/~sjm/vdr/diseqc.conf
At 16:20 15.09.05 +0300, you wrote:
CopyPoint wrote:
That's the point: How do they work inside? Just as an A/B - 4-p switch cascade?
Try it? Also, you can study the diseqc PDF spec and make an educated guesss.
It might be a 4-port switch with A/B in each of the four ports, or vice versa. Or something else. :)
Drop me a note if you want a copy the the diseqc spec or my sample config.
Yes, both files please.
Take a look at these:
http://almamedia.fi:8000/~sjm/vdr/DiSeqC_bus_spec.pdf http://almamedia.fi:8000/~sjm/vdr/diseqc.conf
I'l buy, try and report thanks again