Von: "Halim Sahin"halim.sahin@t-online.de
Can you be a little more precise in what's not working ? May be you can post a smal log file excerpt to illustate the error messages.
You can test that with a recording from ZDF in germany.
vdr-1.3.34 vdrsync-050322
This version should work. In contrast to the "official" version under ctvdr ( and I'm using this with vdrconvert and it turned out to be the only version being able to NOT destroy AC3 recordings. I didn't test with ZDF but Pro7 and Sat1 recordings have been working here.
What can I do to get this work?
Will try to obtain the parameters vdrconvert uses to make it work this eveing . . .
regards Peter
Hi, On Mi, Okt 19, 2005 at 09:45:24 +0200, peter.dittmann@freenet.de wrote:
You're right here is a log file in the attachment.
not working things are: 1. zdf-recording look at the attachment. 2. The resulting dvd from vdrsync and dvdauthor/growisofs are not playable with the dvd-plugin. Only the first audio track has sound. Other dvd's are working Regards
Hi, On Mi, Okt 19, 2005 at 05:44:10 +0200, Halim Sahin wrote:
Problem 2. was a dvd-plugin problem.
But the first thing (ZDF-recordings) does not work for me. Yesterday I tested vdrsync only for demuxing but without success.
ProjectX (0.90) can demux these movies but I don't want to install a jre only for that. any ideas???
Hi list,
I will try to ask my question again.
I want to convert recordings into dvd's using vdrsync. That works realy good for me but some movies recorded from ZDF in germany could not be converted. These movies are with ac3. The only way to convert these are to drop the ac3 track.
Now I am looking for a better way to convert these movies with ac3.
My vdr-version is 1.3.34 vdrsync 050322 Please help.
regards Halim